Contact Us

Do you have questions or do you need help with your order?

Please contact our customer service team by sending us a message to the below email address.

Order Support Email:

Email address:

A customer service agent will reply to you in 48 hours or less. Your message will be dealt with by a real person who is here to take care of your problems and answer your questions.

Need to call us? Speak with one of our agents or leave us a message by calling us using the following phone number:

Order Status Support: +1 (330) 521-3590

We look forward to hearing from you and helping you with your order or any questions you may have.

Refund and Return Policy

We are sure that you’ll like our products and will find them useful.

To assure you of the confidence we have in our products and to put you at ease with your investment, we also provide you with a full money-back guarantee for your purchase

Here is how it works:

If for any reason you are not entirely satisfied with your product during the first 3 months of use, all you need to do is send us an email requesting a refund. We would be grateful to know how we can help you and the reasons for your refund, but this is entirely your choice. For any questions or requests please contact


10am - 5pm EST (Monday-Friday)
2pm-5pm EST (Saturday & Sunday)